I didn't know what it was about completely but I had seen the ad before. I knew it was an offer that Paypal offered to business merchants who had an active Paypal account and who regularly used Paypal as a payout option on their website.
What I didn't realize is how wonderful this opportunity was until I decided to do it. Here's how it works:
- Paypal Working Capital grants you a loan based on a percentage (around 15%) of your last 12 months earnings through the Paypal system.
- They offer you up to 15% of this amount. You can choose a lower amount if you choose that you can use for working capital for your business.
- Once you decide on the amount you want to get, you apply and you will get a decision is less than a minute.
- The best part is it does not depend on your credit rating. (I'm still working on mine from years past and am in the process of paying off many old debts). In the meantime, as a business owner, I had no means of obtaining the credit I needed to grow my business.
- The decision came back shortly after this that I had qualified for $3500. This allowed me to put money in the bank along with the money I am already making with my business and get me ahead of my ledger for the first time in a long time.
I make a very good income (over $5000 per month) on average writing for business customers and publishers as well as money that I take in from my online business at smalltownglobal.com. But having this advance from Paypal Working Capital is just what I needed to truly get ahead!
If you need to expand your business but don't have the sources to do so and you are a Paypal online merchant, Paypal Working Capital is the best way I know to get ahead. Payments are easy, too since they take a percent of your incoming revenue as it comes in to pay it off. So it's really like they are paying you in advance for future sales.
Many other loan companies follow this business model such as Kabbage and Lending Tree. But Paypal Working Capital is the simplest, most streamlined solution that enables you to move forward with your business and is completely worry-free.
Most of all, I like the fact that I am now a business partner with Paypal. It's like cutting them in for a 33% equity stake in your company. But it's only as long as you have the loan. It's paid off easily in a few short months as you make money.
They don't charge interest, either! They just put a one-time fee on the loan at the beginning to cover the cost of the loan and you never have to worry about accruing interest.
Check out the Paypal Working Capital application here. You, too, can be a partner with the most successful payment solutions company in the world and grow your business to new levels tomorrow!
-Deborah L. Killion
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