Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year 2017 from Digital Media Heaven

Hi, everyone!

This is Deb from Digital Media Heaven sending this New Year's wish that you will have a wonderful New Year in 2017.  I am counting down the year right now as we speak. You can count it down with me by clicking on this link:

Remember that last year (2016) is almost gone. So all you can do about 2016 is to cherish the good times and put the bad ones behind you. We should always strive to learn from the mistakes and relish in the successes. Remember no one is ever a "failure" as long as they are learning and growing.

It's time to look forward to the new "baby" new year and all it can bring!

So set some realistic but high goals for yourself that you can reach in 2017 and work on them every single day. With time, you will achieve all you have set for yourself and more if you believe and work hard.

Learn to ignore obstacles and plow straight through to your goals. Don't let anyone convince you that you can't. Don't be bullied or challenged by those who don't understand. Just keep your eye on the goal.

I hope everyone has a prosperous and happy new year !

-Deborah L. Killion, CEO Digital Media Heaven

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Great week for business!

Hey, everyone!
I truly hope that you have had a great week in your business and that you have reached all of the goals that you have set for yourself!

If you're like me, the struggle has always been more about time than money, though money is an issue sometimes too. By that I mean, when you are doing work for a client, you have to trade time for money in most cases.

So you just have to find the best way to use your work time to maximize your results. I love the freedom I have to set my hours for myself with whatever works for me. Personally, like most "classic writers," (and I do consider myself in that crowd, theoretically), I work best at night. So I could actually do all of my work at night if I wanted to, leaving the day to do what I want!

But instead, what I do is work out a "tentative" schedule that is always open to change if I want to do something at any time. But I put down the general times I do the work so that I will add some structure to an otherwise structureless environment. ha

I made my goal of around $180 per day this week. I have made as much as $387 in one day writing and even higher, but it drains me if I write that many articles all day long. I like to sprinkle other tasks and activities among the writing so that I have more flexibility in my schedule. The $180 per day translates to $1000 per week or more and over $4,000 per month, on average if I also do some on Saturday. I actually don't have to have that much money, but I am driven to make a lot so that I will have a reserve and pay off my debts so that I can have more free time down the road.

You need to work on your passive income too, authors. Ebooks, audiobooks, videos, and other things like eCourses are great ideas to set up your cash cows for the future.

One thing's for sure, my writing muses, Edgar Poe or Will Shakespeare didn't make the kind of money I'm making writing. They would have loved to have been rewarded for their efforts that way, I'm sure. Will was pretty well off due to his deal with kings and the royalty but Edgar died in poverty. And he was a genius! It's all about the market.

I am now selling around 2 audiobooks per day, and the audiobooks seem to sell better than my eBooks. I currently have all of my eBooks available as audiobooks as well now.

I am also working on my multimedia production list and hope to finish updating this soon to include the upcoming projects that I'll be working on at Small Town Global USA.

I try to keep the blog posts fairly short to let you know what's going on and I'll also announce when we plan to do another live video webcast or podcast so you can tune in.

In the meantime, be sure to listen to the 24/7 internet radio station (to be updated soon).

Remember as an entrepreneur, you are the captain of your own ship so look out for icebergs and keep looking ahead for the harbor!

You'll make it!

-Deb Killion, Writer/Entrepreneur

Friday, December 2, 2016

My eBook List: Help Yourself to Information

Hey folks. Just another update on my new blog to let you know about my eBooks. I have created a number of eBooks and audiobooks through Amazon and CreateSpace and you can find any of them on my author page.

All of these books are self-help books catered to the independent contractor/entrepreneur who wants to make an honest part-time or full-time living at home. You can do this if you want to badly enough and I offer you proof of this in my eBooks and audiobooks.

I am working on making all of my eBooks available on audiobook at well via Amazon and All of these are also available on paperback as well as of this writing!

You'll find them in numerous bookstores online and across the country including many well-known and some lesser-known publishers. Also be sure to listen to my radio show on Blogtalk radio as well as to our 24/7 internet radio station here: SmallTown Global Radio.

I've always been a writer. In fact, I make over $3000 per month doing just that. And that's not even counting my business income from my online website. But these books all offer information that I hope you will find valuable as you build your brand online or start your journey as an independent author and content creator.

In our country today, we need more independent artists, free-thinkers, and poets. We need more teachers with their own ideas, who are willing to put those ideas out there to let people decide how they can apply it in their own lives.

So read my eBooks, listen to the audiobooks, and then get out and write your own! There's always room for another great idea!

-Deborah L. Killion, Writer/Entrepreneur